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Your Broken Relationship Can Still Work!!

A relationship can be defined as the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected. Relationships are so delicate and can break on minor issues and simple misunderstandings. Once broken, it is a die-hard task to mend the relationship and get back the same intensity of affection in the relationship.

There can be visible reasons, may be a misunderstanding or communication gap, at times it can be a mistake of someone else; fragile relationships can break over any simple cause. The cause for the easy breaks in relationships is that relationships are mind products, subjective to each person.

Many relationships are not the union of best possible matches but best available pairs, or when people misconceive the partner so. Relationships start blindly by peripheral understandings and attraction; it proceeds through adjustments, forgiveness and understanding; and breakup over misunderstandings, mistakes or lack of tolerance.

Getting back into the relationship, though difficult, is possible if approached the issues with the right understanding and mind to change and mend.

To resolve any issue, understanding the reasons is important. Without knowing the root cause, relationship issues cannot be repaired. It can be a past reason which is now absent or a still persisting reason.

Analyze each stages of the relationship and find out at which point what has gone wrong. Once the reasons of the break up are realized, the solution may be easy.

Once the issues are dug out, the next step is to forgive the mistakes of both the partners. If you still hold on to the mistake committed by the partner, then it may cause another breakup in the future.

Understand why the partner committed such a mistake and forgive him/her forever if you wish to take the relationship a long way further.

You may not be able to change the partner as you desire; but you can very well change yourself. Changing yourself is the better way of resolving the issues and renewing the problems. The changes may make you appear more appealing and accepted by the partner.

Most of the issues in relationships can be resolved with right communication with the partner. It is commonly observed that slight misunderstanding or ignoble mistakes are many a times the cause for several breakups.

Make your relationship work!
Bola Esho

Bola Esho

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