On Saturday, February 12, 2015, beautiful actress, Khadijat Temitayo Odueke, better known as Sikiratu Sindodo, added another year which was celebrated on a low key. The Ijebu Ode, Ogun born thespian spoke on this and her new movie, Khadijat and Kabira, when ENCOMIUM Weekly had a phone chat with her on Monday, February 23, 2015.
You added another year on Saturday, February 21, 2015, how do you feel about that?
Of course, I feel happy about it. I am cool and joyous that I am alive and kicking. I thank God for everything.
What actually did you celebrate, 40 or what?
I am still young, please. All I know is that I celebrated my birthday. I don’t need to tell you my age.
What’s the significance of the birthday since it’s not a landmark age?
I don’t know about that. I just have to thank God for being alive.
How and where was it celebrated?
It was low key. I celebrated it at home with friends and they took me out for dinner.
Why low key?
That’s the way I always celebrate my birthday. And I thank God I added another year.
Since last year till date, what have been the remarkable changes in your life?
A lot. I give thanks to Almighty God about that. My career, especially, has moved forward. I produced about two movies last year and I have just completed another one this year which is going to be launched on Sunday, April 26, 2015. The title is Khadijat.
You’re also Khadijat, is it a story of your life?
Yes, my name is Khadijat but the movie has nothing to do with my life. It just happened that way. I played the character, Khadijat. I alone acted twin sisters, Khadijat and Kabira. It’s a very interesting movie.
How was it interpreting dual roles?
It’s not easy at all. It was very challenging playing the two roles. But I thank God, it was a success.
What made it challenging?
It’s very challenging because I have never played that kind of role since I started out as an actress cum film maker. Although, they have shot movies like that before, I see Khadijat and Kabira as the best of its kind.
Who are the other star actors and actresses paraded in the movie?
Apart from myself, the flick also featured Fuji act, Alhaji Sule Alao Malaika who played the lead role along with me. Others include Kemi Korede, Lola Ajibola and others. Anyway, it’s not a movie that parades many people but it’s a must for all movie lovers. Khadijat and Kabira was directed by Okiki Afolayan and it’s going to be marketed by Okiki Films.
You added another year on Saturday, February 21, 2015, how do you feel about that?
Of course, I feel happy about it. I am cool and joyous that I am alive and kicking. I thank God for everything.
What actually did you celebrate, 40 or what?
I am still young, please. All I know is that I celebrated my birthday. I don’t need to tell you my age.
What’s the significance of the birthday since it’s not a landmark age?
I don’t know about that. I just have to thank God for being alive.
How and where was it celebrated?
It was low key. I celebrated it at home with friends and they took me out for dinner.
Why low key?
That’s the way I always celebrate my birthday. And I thank God I added another year.
Since last year till date, what have been the remarkable changes in your life?
A lot. I give thanks to Almighty God about that. My career, especially, has moved forward. I produced about two movies last year and I have just completed another one this year which is going to be launched on Sunday, April 26, 2015. The title is Khadijat.
You’re also Khadijat, is it a story of your life?
Yes, my name is Khadijat but the movie has nothing to do with my life. It just happened that way. I played the character, Khadijat. I alone acted twin sisters, Khadijat and Kabira. It’s a very interesting movie.
How was it interpreting dual roles?
It’s not easy at all. It was very challenging playing the two roles. But I thank God, it was a success.
What made it challenging?
It’s very challenging because I have never played that kind of role since I started out as an actress cum film maker. Although, they have shot movies like that before, I see Khadijat and Kabira as the best of its kind.
Who are the other star actors and actresses paraded in the movie?
Apart from myself, the flick also featured Fuji act, Alhaji Sule Alao Malaika who played the lead role along with me. Others include Kemi Korede, Lola Ajibola and others. Anyway, it’s not a movie that parades many people but it’s a must for all movie lovers. Khadijat and Kabira was directed by Okiki Afolayan and it’s going to be marketed by Okiki Films.
Why did you feature Alao Malaika?
Can’t I feature him? After all, this is not the first time he will be taking part in my movie. He was in Apata, which I produced last year. Fathia Balogun and other notable faces in the industry were also in the movie.
Don’t you think featuring him in your movies has further confirmed the speculation that both of you are dating?
I don’t want to talk about that at all. Please, let me be.
Sikiratu Sindodo is not getting younger any more, why haven’t you settled down? Or do you think it’s difficult doing that?
I don’t think it’s difficult. If I want to get married today, I will.
That means you have found the right man?
Please, no comment.
Can’t I feature him? After all, this is not the first time he will be taking part in my movie. He was in Apata, which I produced last year. Fathia Balogun and other notable faces in the industry were also in the movie.
Don’t you think featuring him in your movies has further confirmed the speculation that both of you are dating?
I don’t want to talk about that at all. Please, let me be.
Sikiratu Sindodo is not getting younger any more, why haven’t you settled down? Or do you think it’s difficult doing that?
I don’t think it’s difficult. If I want to get married today, I will.
That means you have found the right man?
Please, no comment.
Source - http://www.playgroundtv.net/i-dont-think-getting-married-is-difficult-if-i-want-to-get-married-today-i-will-actress-tayo-odueke-a-k-a-sikiratu-sindodo/
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